
blacklight gif trial #1

I am trying to get an animated gif of this picture but can't seem to set it up right...

Anyway, this was my print for the Copper Palate Press Halloween blacklight party. This is my version of a Purple People-Eater (not to be confused with purple-people eaters, which could be any color, perhaps).

I'll try to get this animation thing sorted if it doesn't work.


T-shirt designs from Friday's Show at CPP

Taking pictures at museums pays off. Earlier I had a gorilla design adapted from a photo of a gorilla in one of the many awesome diaramas at the NYC Nat. Hist. Museum from a trip last year. Now I found these pictures from the same trip: An amazing diagram of a gibbon's shoulder motion also from the Natural History Musuem and a strange statue from the Met of this creepy headless pope. A bit of photoshop work and a few xeroxes later and they're ready for t-shirts!
Next I want to try to do something with this Moses statue... I like the eyes.

more krcl hoodies...

KRCL has seen a popular demand for these hoodies and just dropped off five more boxes to be printed.


KRCL Radiothon Sweatshirts!

KRCL is having their fall radiothon and they asked the CPP to print up these black hoodies with my design. The hoodie comes in a package of goodies with a $120 pledge so act quick!