
The Coloring Box Series

Around the time of the eve of the new year which is now three-months old, I decided to start a project of making a zine-per-month, basic black-and-white xerox style. The name of the project is the Color Box Series, as each issue has a new color cover and a theme related to the color. They will in the end amount to a big box of coloring potential, as they are easily interpreted as coloring books and I have been encouraging people to color them if they are so inclined.  This is essentially an exercise in keeping up continual deadlines, staying artistically active/productive, learning and becoming comfortable with book design and collating, and trying something new every month. And on that measure, I can be happy with the series so far, three issues deep, with number four due out April 4th. 

Here are some sample pictures: 1. Cover shots: [1:YELLOW, Animals 2:BLUE, water 3:GREEN, plants] 2. YELLOW center spread, turtle graveyard 3. YELLOW snakes 4. BLUE center spread,  storm 5.BLUE winter water 6. GREEN center spread, plant orb 7. GREEN entrance to the jungle. 

These zines are available in person at the Copper Palate Press, downtown SLC. or you can email me: jda1984@hotmail.com.  I've been selling them for five bucks. 

and without saying too much here are some pics of #4 in production, (no Kinko's this issue, I have access to a Vandercook and wood type!):

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